Friday, October 26, 2007

LaSt daY of Skkool..


LasT dAy oF skOol is thuRsdaY.s0 eArly h0rhx! HaiZ, tAt dAy wAs a fuN daY..bUt duRinG e sundram peRiod, it is s0ooo b0rinG lorHx!!! sAd l0rhx , i hAv n0bodi t0 tok t0 except e AIR ..haahh.. caUze winnie,Lijun,april, HuinInG n JiaxuaN g0 d0wn t0 paCk our Repo0rt bks..n 0ur clAss onLy left 3 girls!! exclude MIE..w0w,mAni people nv cuM n0t e class left 0nLy 3 persOn larHx,still sum bois.ThEy keep kiking e water bottle aRouNd e clAssrOom..thEy beiNg stop bY e mRs ch0nG..AfteR e cher' g0 ,theY still kik..hAiz.-_- ,likE war like,LucKy thEy cuM baCk liAo ah, iF n0t i reali hAv t0 toK t0 e AIR..muZ pitY mie..hahahaa..aFter e suNdraM peRiod is aCtually is chinEsE perioD bUt e Ms JosepH cuM in T0 giF rePort bks! =D AftEr giFing Out , wE tHen becOme siAnZ liAo loRhx, cuz iS soo bOrinG..s0 we tok t0 cher' . bUt soMehow but dOnnOhoW , we toK uNtil hEr peNcil cAse inside g0t ALOT alot of PeNs!! thEn we sAy gif uS larHx..tHeN tAke it seriously! shE teLL uS t0 g0 bUy 35 pens!! so we g0t shoCk, cuz we OnlY JokkinG maH,tHen she takE it s0 seriously..whEn we reAch e booK shOp,we realise we sh0rt oF$3. aNd we nV carRY ouR waLLeTs d0wn!! s0 i n LiJun rUn up t0 taKe whiLe winNie n JiaxUan waitiNg..tiRed lei..we Ask ms JosEpH tAt we shOrt 0f $$,tHen shE taKe oUt hEr waLLet inSide is COINS..!! wE wanTed t0 heLp hEr pAy,BuT shE d0NT WAn..mUz pitY e teAcher..hahaha..i tiNk shE baNkruPt e dAy..tiRed l0rhx!!

later muz sleep liao...hahahaaa [ Jokin ]

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